The Film
Moana is a disney film released on the 23rd of November 2016 about a Hawaiian princess and her journey. The production budget for this film was between $150 million and $175 million and it grossed over $690 million worldwide.
Distribution and advertisement
It was distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures in the UK and the US theatrically and across Disney channel and Disney+ (vod). The film was advertised through the use of movie trailers (played across all platforms including their own channels), posters, websites and social media pages alongside interviews with the cast and brand deals later on such as the happy meal tie in.
Synergy and cross media
Disney is a huge conglomerate whose influence spans out across dozens of industries. Within the media industry they are extremely integrated both vertically and horizontally - controlling production, distribution and exhibition. Their presence in all of the factors of production mean that they are able to take control of all of their profits and achieve great levels of synergy. For example, Disney promoted Moana in their magazines, on their websites and on all their exhibition platforms also (Disney Channel and Disney+.) The vast levels of integration mean that one product can create interest in all other aspects of heir business which acts as a sort of free promotion. Disney also partnered with Hawaiian airlines in the promotion of Moana which heightened interest in both businesses (airlines promote Moana and Moana generates interest in Hawaiian tourism) - this created controversy. Disney also uses synergy in other smaller ways such as releasing a soundtrack which all drives more attention towards the film. Disney are also planning to create a Moana themed attraction and Walt Disney World resort called Journey of water. This is a good example of synergy as the attraction draws attention to the film and the film draws attention to the attraction. The span of what Disney owns is very large, they could even advertise Moana on ESPN - one of the leading sports channels in the world.
Technological convergence
"Technological convergence, also known as digital convergence, is the tendency for technologies that were originally unrelated to become more closely integrated and even unified as they develop and advance." For example, before smartphone technology you couldn't have a calculator, camera, computer and many many more features in one place. Disney released a Moana themed game called "Moana Island life" the year after the film's initial release. As with the rest of Disney's productions they utilise synergy, the film promotes the game and the game promotes the film. They also released the soundtrack which was available on apple music and Spotify as well as having these songs be playable on a piano tiles game. Other smartphone features such as messaging stickers were released but I would say that the most notable use of technological convergence is the exhibition of Moana on Disney's Disney+ VOD app which is competing with Netflix and showcases all of Disney's original and owned content. This directs attention towards all of their other films and programmes.
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